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Outreach Services

Alpha Park Public Library is committed to providing library services throughout the district, not just at our building.

Outreach Services are brought directly to patrons in order to reduce gaps in access and increase community connections. To request a visit or for more information, contact Heidi Rhea, Outreach Librarian, at 309-697-3822 x25 or email

Glasford Pop-Up 
A person holding a white dog, smiling, in a room with chairs, eagle painting, U.S. flag, and a calendar.
Village Hall Clerk, Tammy, with her dog, Theo.

Every week on Tuesday, from 3 pm to 5 pm, we host a Pop-Up Library at the Glasford Village Hall. We bring various books, games, puzzles, and wonderful conversations. But, the best part is Theo, the Village Clearks very own puppy who gets to visit with everyone!

Are you not sure if you have a library card? No worries! We can check to see if you have one, and if not, we can make you one on the spot!

You can return all materials checked out from the Alpha Park Public Library to the Pop-Up and vice versa.

Villas of Holly Brook Craft Day 

Each month, on the third Tuesday, the Outreach Specialist travels to the Belleville Villas Holly Brook Assisted Living and Memory Care facility. We have curated crafts especially for Seniors to express their creative side.

Two art pieces with trees made of puzzle pieces on paper sheets.
Trees made with puzzle peices.
Four decorative candles with autumn leaves, tied with twine, displayed on a table with a person in the background.
Tea lights with leaves, twine and mod podge. 
A group of senior women proudly displaying their paintings in a bright room with art supplies on the table.
Having fun with water color paint.
Seniors show off their easter sock bunnies
Easter Sock Bunnies. Made with an old sock, rice,  a sharpie, and a ribbon.
Three smiling individuals at a table, each holding up colorful tree artwork, with a kitchen background.
Tissue Papper Leaves.
Decorated jars with colorful lids and marine-themed designs on a table with napkins.
Beach in a Jar, made with sand, seashells, little fish figures, and paint with a Gerber Jar.
Homebound Services 

The Library at Your Door!

Long-Term Homebound Service:

Available to anyone unable to get to the library on a regular basis, this service brings you monthly deliveries of regular or large print books, audiobooks, movies, and more. Service is available to your home or to a senior residence and care facility within the Alpha Park Public Library District.

Short-Term Delivery Service:

Short-Term Delivery Service is available to library district residents of any age who will need delivery service for less than 4 months. This service is used while recovering from surgery or a prolonged illness, etc.

Make It Happen:

To request homebound delivery services, contact the Outreach Specialist at 309-697-3822 x91, or email


Please either fill out the application below, or download the form and email it to

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Library Pop-Ups 

Pop-Up Libraries

We currently offer a Pop-Up Library in Glasford every Tuesday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Glasford Village Hall (301 S Oak Street).

We also offer a Pop-Up Library in Mapleton at the Hollis Park Recreation Center (10107 S Vine St) daily during their hours of operation.

People at a table with books and posters, likely at a book fair or educational event.
Pop-Up Library at Illini Bluffs High School and Middle School in April 2024.

Check Out:

Choose from an assortment of books, movies, games, technology, and more available for checkout in your hometown. Check out materials with your library card or take a free book home and add it to your own library.  You can also get help with your homework!  And, there are treats! 

Get Carded:

Receive a library card on the spot and learn how to use it to check out books, eBooks, and eAudiobooks.

Get Smart:

Discover something new through interactive programming and hands-on demonstrations for all ages. We can also help connect towns with services like legal support, financial assistance/education, health care, the Wellmobile, food banks, or other needs.

Programs to You! 
May contain: grass, plant, person, lawn, child, female, girl, boy, male, accessories, glasses, nature, outdoors, park, clothing, footwear, and shoe

Library programs can be brought directly to patrons at schools, daycares, businesses, Senior Centers, and other community gathering places. They are also available for book clubs, homeschool groups, local festivals, fairs, and more.
Examples include:


  • Library Tours
  • Story Times & Book Talks
  • Library Use Instruction
  • Research Instruction
  • Library at Your School
  • Homework Help
  • Pop-Up Library
May contain: face, head, person, photography, portrait, furniture, table, computer, electronics, adult, male, man, accessories, glasses, laptop, pc, desk, boy, teen, plywood, wood, jewelry, necklace, ring, computer hardware, hardware, monitor, and screen

Senior Living Communities:

  • Book Delivery
  • Book Talks
  • Programs
  • Technology Classes/Assistance
  • Memory Kits/Program

For Kids & Families:

  • Special and Seasonal Events
  • Park Story Time
  • Technology Classes/Assistance
  • Homework Help


Senior Coffee at the Alpha Park Clubhouse 

Join the Alpha Park Library, the Limestone Township, & the Bartonville Park Committee each month at the for coffee, donuts, socializing, and a guest speaker.  This program runs April through November each year. 
Held at the Clubhouse in Alpha Park (across from pavilions).  Social time from 8am to 8:25am with a speaker from 8:30 - 9:00am.  



April 2024 - BINGO 

May 2024 - Local Opal  

June 2024 -  Ed Stermer, Local Geology & the GeoHeritage Trail for Kickapoo Creek

July 2024 - Airport    

August 2024 - Birdwatching       

September 2024 - TBD 

October 2024 - Peoria County Animal Protection Services (PCAPS)

November 2024 - Christmas Volunteer Day 

December - March -- Closed 


Highlights from July's Senior Coffee:

Joke of the Day (by Deanne)

Two guys grow up together but after college, one moves to Georgia and the other to Texas. They agreed to meet every 10 years in Florida to play golf. At age 32 they meet, finish their round of golf, and head for lunch. "Where do you want to go?"  "Hooters." "Why Hooters?" "They have those servers with big boobs, tight shorts, and gorgeous legs." "You’re on."

 At age 42 they meet and play golf again. "Where do you want to go for lunch?" "Hooters." "Again? Why?" "They have a cold beer, big screen TVs, and side action on the games." "Okay."

At age 52 they meet and play again. "So, where do you want to go for lunch?" "Hooters." "Why?" "The food is good and there is plenty of parking." "Okay."

At age 62, they meet again.  After a round of golf, one says, “Where do you want to go?” Hooters. Why? Wings are half-price, and the food isn’t too spicy. Good choice.

At age 72 They meet again. Once again, after a round of golf, one asks "Where we go for lunch?" "Hooters." "Why?" "They have 6 handicapped parking spaces right by the door and they have senior discounts". "Great choice."

At age 82 they meet and play again. "Where should we go for lunch?" "Hooters." "Why?" "Because we’ve never been there before." "Okay, let’s give it a try."

A woman is presenting with a microphone, standing in front of a projector screen that reads "Hello...My Name is Cheryl Steck".
Cheryl for the Peoria Airport presents why you should fly PIA.


Highlights from June's Senior Coffee:

Joke of the day (by Deanne)

There were identical twin brothers who lived together. One happens to be a well-respected dentist and the other can’t seem to keep a job. Instead of actively looking for work, he likes to sit around the home. One Saturday, the dentist is hungry and puts his brother on the spot. He tells him to get off his lazy behind and get them some food. After some protest, the lazy brother takes the car and leaves for the store. In the meantime, the dentist takes a nap on his day off. He turns off his phone so he would not be interrupted.

About 30 minutes later the lazy brother gets into a head-on collision in the intersection by the store. His vital signs were fading. He’s unconscious and barely moving. An ambulance picks him up and rushes him to the hospital. He ends up in the ER under observation, but his condition is critical. They try calling his brother, but he doesn’t pick up, his phone is off.

The dentist wakes to a knock at the door. Suspecting a solicitor, he ignores it, but the knocking continues. Eventually, he resolves to get up and yell at the person at the door.

When he opens the door, he sees the Grim Reaper standing there. He looks just like the movies portray him, a skeleton with a long black tattered cloak.

The Grim Reaper swears,” Oh no! This always happens with identical twins.”

“What do you mean?” said the dentist. “Well, if you must know your brother was in a critical car accident and I’ve come to take him to the underworld. I’m afraid his time on earth has ended. I’ll take my leave now.”

The dentist is noticeably upset. He says,” Wait, isn’t there some way I can challenge you for my brothers’ life? After all, you made the mistake. Certainly, there must be a way I can bargain for his life.”  

The Grim Reaper asks, ”What do you have in mind?”

The dentist thinks, ”How about a challenge? If I beat you, you let my brother go free. The Grim Reaper laughs.” I will beat you in any challenge. What do you propose? “

The dentist smiles, “I propose we see who has the cleanest teeth after 5 minutes of brushing,  then we decide.

“Very well.” says the Grim Reaper who makes his way to the bathroom. He gets a toothbrush and loads it with toothpaste and begins brushing. After 5 minutes the shiniest teeth anyone has ever seen glisten and make the room bright.

The Grim Reaper grins, “You are foolish, human, but you are entitled to your chance.”

The dentist takes his brush and loads it with toothpaste and starts brushing like a madman. When his 5 minutes are up he smiles. It's unbelievable! The shine from the dentist’s teeth is so beautiful that he can see the Grim Reaper's reflection in his perfectly clean teeth. The winner is obvious!

The Grim Reaper hangs his head in shame. “You win human, this time your brother will live.”

He disappears in a puff of smoke. At the same instant, the bedridden brother wakes up in the hospital not only is he uninjured but seems perfectly healthy. Suddenly the phone next to his bed rings. It's his dentist brother.

He picks up, "Hey bro you’ll never believe what happened. Apparently, I went out to the market and got hit by a car. They say I almost died!

The dentist smiles on the phone and says,” That’s interesting bro. Today You might say that I also had a brush with death.”

A presenter is giving a talk to an audience with a slide showing mastodons and mammoths.
 Ed Stermer, Professor at ICC, demonstrates the differences between Mammut and Mammoth teeth by using 3D printed models.
A man seated at a table with a box, a woman standing, window with view outside, and an empty frame on the wall.
Derek Romer hold up a fossil of a Mammoth tusk from ICC campus.
Fossilized remains in trays and a brochure with a mammoth illustration captioned "Meet the ICC Mammoth. ICCEY".
Two of the fossils were found at ICC's campus in East Peoria. Top right is the Tusk and Top Left is the Adult Molar of a Mammoth.
Plush mammoth, rocks, and carved stone animals on a table.
A stuffed version of ICCEY surrounded by rocks and copper is typically found with mammoth fossils in the desired layer of soil. 3D modeled teeth of both the Mammut and Mammoth are present on the table.
A person is giving a presentation to an audience about tusks, with details and diagrams displayed on a screen.
Ed Stermer holds ICCEY and shows listeners how mammoth tusks grow during their life cycle, like humans' bones and teeth.


Highlights from May's Senior Coffee:

Joke of the day (by Deanne)

Three sisters were in a very bad accident and all three died! When they get to the gates of heaven, St Peter is there to greet them.  He says to the three, “We only have one rule here in heaven. Don’t step on a duck! If you do you will be chained to the ugliest man here for the rest of eternity.”

They were thinking that it wouldn’t be a problem, but when they walked through the gates, they saw ducks EVERYWHERE!

No sooner than they walked in the first sister stepped on a duck! St Peter immediately appeared with the ugliest man the three had ever seen and chained him to the first sister.

The second sister was careful for three weeks when totally by accident she stepped on a duck!

St. Peter was there in an instant, because he sees everything, of course. He had another of the ugliest men they had seen, and she was chained to him for all eternity.

No, the third sister didn’t want that to happen to her and so she was very, very careful. Four months later St Peter appeared but he had the most handsome man she had ever seen on a chain. The man was tall, well-built, and had beautiful eyes!

The third sister said,” I don’t know what I did to deserve this!”

The man said, “I don’t know about that but I stepped on a duck!”

A group of people seated around tables with one person speaking into a microphone. (Image is rotated)
Julie, creator of the Local OPAL (Outdoor Playing and Learning) website, shares her story on why she felt the need to make a place where people could find all the infromation they need about their local parks.


A group of people attending a presentation in a room with wooden beams, string lights, and a projection screen.
Derek Roemer from the Limestone Township tells all about the pool.
A presentation about local outdoor play and learning, with an audience listening to a speaker.
Deanne and her Joke of the Day.


Highlights from April's Senior Coffee:

Joke of the day (by Deanne)

Three brothers aged 92, 94, and 96 live in a house together. One night the 96-year-old draws a bath, puts his foot in, and pauses. He yells down the stairs, “Was I getting in or out of the bath?”

The 94-year-old yells back, “I don’t know, I’ll come up and see.” He starts up the stairs and pauses, then he yells down, “Was I going up or down the stairs?”

The 92-year-old was sitting at the kitchen table having a coffee listening to his brothers. He shakes his head and says ”I sure hope I never get that forgetful.” He knocks on wood for luck. He then yells, "I’ll come up and help you both as soon as I see who is at the door.”

Senior Coffee BINGO April 2024
BINGO at Senior Coffee April 2024 
Two people at a table with a microphone and bingo equipment, one calling numbers and the other marking a card.
BINGO caller MISS CONNIE and assistant Kindred calls the BINGO game at Senior Coffee April 2024 
A room full of people sitting at tables, some playing cards, with a person speaking in the background—casual gathering or event.
More than 65 people attended Senior Coffee for a BINGO game in April 2024 .
Talking Book Program 

Free recorded books, magazines, and playback equipment are available by mail or app to eligible Illinois residents who are blind, visually impaired, physically disabled, or reading disabled. Contact Kindred, Outreach Specialist at 309-697-3822 x91 or email to assist with enrollment or get the application from the State of Illinois Talking Book program at 800−426−0709.

Little Free Libraries 

Current Locations – Alpha Park, Union Hall,  and inside Big Mike's Donuts

We keep our Little Free Libraries stocked with all types of books for all ages: fiction and nonfiction, picture books, early readers, chapter books, YA, mysteries, romance, and more! Little Free Libraries encourage readers of all ages to take a book home, read it, share it, and return it!

The Alpha Park and Union Hall Little Free Libraries were created by Nico Contreras for an Eagle Scout project in 2021.

Leave No Trace: Bigfoot Cleanup Day 2024 

 On June 9th, 2024, the Alpha Park Library Outreach Department hosted its first Bigfoot Cleanup Day at Alpha Park. Using the Litter Kits provided by the library, we cleaned up the park after the pool days Carnaval with 5 outstanding volunteers. 

Group of happy people at an outdoor table with various items, under a sunny sky.
Two individuals in hi-vis vests holding trash pickers and bags, presumably participating in a clean-up event.
School Party at the Library 

 Monroe Grade School held an Incentive Behavior Party at the Library for all Kindergarten and 1st Grade students with excellent behavior all year! These students attended a special train-themed storytime, featuring How to Train a Train By Jason Carter Eaton. After the story, the students boarded the library train for a magical library tour before ending the day with free play and a coloring book gifted by Amtrak!

Children sitting on the floor, raising hands, with an adult and a presentation screen in the background.
Students listen to the story time with Miss Kindred "Do you know what kind of train you want?"
A group of children sits on the floor attentively listening to a presenter at an educational event.
Students listen to the story time with Miss Kindred.
A group of happy kids posing in a library with bookshelves in the background. (The image is rotated 90 degrees.)
Monroe Students on the 'train' as the travel through the non-fiction section.
Children playing with toys in a room with a wooden playhouse.
Free play upstairs in the Childrens Department .
Children and adults in a library with books and a "When in doubt go to the library" sign.
Even with all the fun play, we still have some hardcore readers.
Blue gift bags with "Alpha Park Public Library" logos on a table with a "Baggage Claim" sign.
Before they leave, students pick up their 'baggage' .
Children lining up to board a school bus on a sunny day, supervised by adults.
At the end of the day the students leave with smiles on their faces and a bag of goodies!
Safety of Seniors 2024 

March 23, 2024 was the annual Safety of Senior TOTALLY FREE event sponsored by the Bartonville Police Dept and the Alpha Park Library.  Over 30 vendors were on hand to talk to seniors about safe living, common scams, staying active, health and retirement,  finding a hobby, and more!  Speakers were Illinois State's Attorney Jodi Hoos and Peoria County Sheriff's Office Victim Services Coordinator, Aimee Shinall.  Attendees could sign up for drawings, enjoy refreshments, and talk with local organizations including the Police, Fire Dept, Sheriff's and local US Represtative Sharon Chung.  And, the mobile DMV was set up to renew licenses. 

This annual event will return in 2025!  

Jodi Hoos, Illinois State's Attorney
Jodi Hoos, Peoria County State's Attorney speaks to seniors at Safety of Seniors 2024.
Amiee Shinall, Peoria County Sheriff's Office
Aimee Shinall, Peoria County Sherrif's Office Victim Servcies Coordinator speaks to seniors at the 2024 Safety of Seniors
Bartonville Police Chief, Tony Segree,  talks about new scams and how to stay safe.
Bartonville Police Chief Tony Segree speaks to seniors at the 2024 Safety of Seniors. 
Safety of Seniors 2024 Vendor Tables
Seniors visit vendor tables at the Safety of Seniors 2024.  
Aimee Shinall, Peoria County Sheriff's Office Victim Services Coordinator
Aimee Shinall, Peoria County Sherrif's Office Victim Servcies Coordinator
Seniors were greeted with a Welcome Table where they could sign up for prizes and pick up a free bag.
Seniors are welcomed by volunteers where they sign up for prize drawing and recieve bags for the vendor tables.
A group of people sitting, some with coffee cups, in a community or public indoor space.
Safety of Seniors 2024
Group of adults seated indoors, some looking in the same direction, possibly at an event or presentation.
Safety of Seniors 2024
Pets for Seniors
Pets for Seniors (PFS) bring kittens to promote their services to seniors.  



LCC Mayer's Prayer Breakfast 
A man holding a microphone stands in front of a banner with "LCC" branding, addressing an audience.
Pastor Song starts the Breakfest off with a speach and a prayer.
A speaker addressing an audience at a Limestone Chamber of Commerce event with attendees seated at round tables.
Sharon Williams, Peoria County Board District 1 Representative, speaks on how the Bartonville area will benifit from 5G fiber optics lines being put in later this year.
A man speaking into a microphone, paintings displayed, and audience members at a Limestone Chamber of Commerce event.
Jeff Gilles, Assistant County Engineer, gives an update on all the road construction happening in the area.
The Mayor of Bartonville speaks at a podium with a "Limestone Chamber of Commerce" banner behind him, in a room with seated listeners.
Mayor Ricca gives the State of Bartonville to the attendees of the breakfest.
A gathering of people seated at tables in a hall, with a speaker at the front and banners indicating a community event.
Scott Jackson, LCC President, closes the breakfest with the announcement of the door prize winners.
A group of people seated at an event, some looking at the camera, with a uniformed officer in the foreground.
Breakfest attendees listen to the speakers over a delicious meal provided by Mama G's!