More Items

Sometimes, it’s nice to be able to run in and grab your items and go. Sometimes, you want to research a sensitive topic and may not feel comfortable having someone check out your items. Sometimes, you have many items and want to be able to check them out at your own pace. Whatever the reasons, a self-check-out machine is a vital part of any modern library. While they do have a hefty price tag, they are invaluable and provide a service that any library user will greatly appreciate. Ideally our library would need two, one for the children’s area and one for the general circulation area. Each of these machines cost $5,000 - $7,000.

Our library is always in need of quality steel book-ends. They keep our collection organized and tidy. They range in price from $2.00 to $9.00 per bookend, depending on the size. You can keep our books standing tall by donating funds to go towards the purchase of additional book ends.

When we do upgrade to the ability to self-check, we will need infrastructure. Security gates are a must have to make sure we don’t miss any check-outs, and to protect our collection. Our current security gates are estimated at 15 years old. A new security gate system would cost an estimated $5,000.

As with any library budget, programming is usually the last item listed. Whatever funds are not already spoken for with repairs and the day to day expenses may go towards programming. While we strive to have a strong and robust programming budget, this is still something in need of alternate funding. Please consider sponsoring a few of our programs. Each program can range in price from $5.00 to $30.00 per participant, and $100 to $1000 per performer or presenter. Below are listed a few of our most well attended programs and performances.
* Crafternoon - $20 per person
* Youth Programs and Performances - $500 per quarter or $150 per event
* Genealogy Programming - $200 towards our database maintenance
* Summer Reading Programming adults and children- $2,000 combined

We would like to be able to offer the absolute best user experience for our patrons when it comes to using our meeting rooms. While our current equipment has served us well, there is room for growth. Our sound system is dated and can be muffled and difficult to understand. Anyone who has sat in a zoom meeting with a bad sound system knows how frustrating this can be. With a meeting room equipment upgrade, we provide a comfortable and professional environment. Items such as a smart board, or a new sound system would be first on our list. They range in price from $2K to $3K.

This table is perfect for visual learners. Color, counting, and cooperation have never been more fun! For kiddos that like to look at lights, this table provides a valuable learner experience. It is estimated at $400.
We are currently looking to expand our STEM Kits and bring cutting edge technology to playtime! We currently have a small collection of tech toys, but we would like to have a full gamut of techy items that our patrons can play, build, and learn with. Tech toys range in price from $300 to $4,000.



Codey Rocky
The Alpha Park Public Library provides a Gift Catalog listing items that one may purchase as a recognition, a memorial or to fulfill a desire to make a specific gift to the Library. Currently we have gifted items of benches, memorial stones, and garden areas. The cost of each item includes a form of recognition such as an engraving or a small plaque that will identify the associated request or party. If the party chooses to remain anonymous, Alpha Park Library will provide that opportunity to the best of our ability. The Library may move or relocate items if needed, including removing the donated item when it is no longer viable without consulting the donating party. The final determination of an item’s location will be made by the Alpha Park Public Library Director, in consultation with the Board of Trustees.

A park bench is a wonderful way to commemorate a loved one. Memorial benches can be placed in the rear garden areas, or along the walking paths. These benches assist in keeping your loved one's memory alive forever. Bearing a memorial plaque with your loved one's name and a personalised message, they convey love that will remain for generations to see. Park benches cost approximately $500 - $1,000.

Preserve memories, honor someone special, or inspire others by purchasing a memorial pathway stone. The stones are placed throughout walkways and landscaping of the library, and are a wonderful opportunity to give someone permanent recognition or commemorate a significant event. Memorial stones typically cost $200 - $500.